Monday, December 24, 2007

_IT_ came upon a midnight clear

See for words.

The lyrics were written written by Edmund Sears, pastor of the Unitarian Church in Weston, Massachusetts. Rev. Sears was a graduate of Union College and Harvard Divinity School.

The lyrics aren't about Jesus. They're about the message of Peace presented by the angels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Post. Not many people pay attention to this fact. It has become so entrenched in our Christmas celebrations that through the mind-numbing-ness many fail to recognize that it isn't about Christ.

It's a good tune though. And at church I wrote a new verse.

He came down from his heav'nly throne into a world of death
and with his perfect sacrifice the sinner now is blest
though as a child in manger lay he still is Christ the king
All glory be to God on high! the saints and angels sing

I encourage whomever to use it!